It all started with a pencil and smiling parents every time a new page fell victim to my creative urge. Over time, the pencil was replaced by a brush, and the gray graphite by vibrant paint. That was many years ago, but the creativity and joy of turning thoughts and ideas into visual expressions have only grown and now flourish.
With a mind that claims to be more tangled than the Gordian knot, painting became my way of capturing the swift whirlpools of thoughts and emotions into something unchanging and static. Yet, while the permanence of the medium forms a solid foundation, the subjects and styles that define them are in constant evolution. Perhaps I’ll settle in the future and fall in love with a single style, but for now, the creative journey of discovery is in steady motion — so hold on tight.
The journey from idea to canvas is often quite long and winding. It’s not unusual for me to spend days staring at a half-finished painting before inspiration strikes, and the next step reveals itself. Unfortunately, this also means that I only produce a few paintings each year, but each piece is the result of many thoughts and careful planning.
I currently reside in Copenhagen, where I’ve lived for six years. However, I’m not alone in the little room I’ve turned into a studio. I share it with my loyal companion, Balder, the handsome, furry fellow you see below. sometimes, if I’m lucky, my girlfriend will join us, heavily armed with her knitting equipment.
If emotion stir, and you fall in love with one of my paintings, I’m here to help solve the problem. You can always reach me at my email, Primdahlcontact@gmail.com, and I’ll do my best to get back to you the same day.